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Major Taylor Cycling Club of Virginia

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Ride the Rhythm with MTCCVA

  • 15 Feb 2024
  • 6:50 PM

MTCCVA is looking to keep you active during the colder months of the year with it's weekly "Ride the Rhythm" Zwift weekly rides.
2024 is knocking at the door and we look to extend our Virginia cycling venues and take more members to the One Love and other collaborative Major Taylor events.

How do we do that you ask? We look to use these Zwift sessions to maintain or strengthen our cycling skills to be better cyclists in 2024.

Join us every Tuesday and Thursday Evening at 7:05 PM on Zwift giving us your best effort each night so that we can applaud your improvements in Spring of 2024 when we get out on the road again. Here is the link to the the event on Zwift.

If you need information on how you can get started on Zwift, send us an email at and look for future Dawn Patrol Zwift rides for those who get things done before 7 AM.

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