Our club members are invited to take part in the 2022 Major Taylor International Riding Challenge, Feb. 1-28. You can ride outdoors (IRL) or indoors (virtual), using Strava to track your riding, and have your miles count toward awards in several categories for distance and elevation gain. A trial run is underway (Jan. 19-26) to make sure everyone understands how to sign up and to get any kinks out of the system. If you want to enter the February challenge, it's worth it to register for the trial run to make sure you've got it figured out. Sign up and and an overview of the competition is explained in this 5-minute video: https://youtu.be/-fob_zYnjpA
Rules for the trial run are here: http://majortaylor.cyclingchallenge.net/rules.php Midnight Jan. 30 (your own time zone) is the deadline to register for the February challenge.